Monday, March 14, 2011

LaunchRock And Vencorps Want To Give $30K To The ?Best? Startups #SXSW

LaunchRock, the startup that wants to help companies launch by setting them up with viral launch pages, is also launching �a "Battle of the Startups" contest during SXSW. Companies that use LaunchRock pages to get beta signups will now have the chance to win $30K ($25K as a standard angel investment from collective VC firm Vencorps). The contest is sponsored by LaunchRock, CloudSponge, HootSuite, Posterous, Rapleaf and VenCorps and consists of two parts: The first part is how many signups a startup is able to generate using the LaunchRock, up to $5K. The second consists of the VenCorps' contribution, where LaunchRock startups who generate the most "social proof" via @ mentions in tweets and votes on (from March 15th onwards) win 25K . Technically two different startups could win each contest.


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