Monday, March 21, 2011

STALEMATE? Benghazi Is Safe, While Qaddafi Holds Human Shields In Tripoli


Operation Odyssey Dawn may be quickly losing steam in Libya.

Qaddafi has surrounded himself with civilian supporters in Tripoli, according to the NYT. His forces are bringing civilians to Misrata to use as human shields, a rebel spokesman told Reuters.

On the other front, the rebels drove Qaddafi's forces back from Benghazi and are now holding the line 150 kilometers away at Ajdabiya, according to The Guardian.

We are approaching the stalemate scenario that Admiral Mike Mullen warned of over the weekend.

Two goals of the UN resolution -- protecting Benghazi and establishing a no-fly zone -- have been accomplished. Now the coalition differs as to how they should continue.

British Foreign Secretary Willaim Hague hinted that Qaddafi could be targeted if he ordered atrocities against his people. Germany's foreign minister told Der Spiegel Qaddafi must go. Washington has refused to say regime change is a goal.

Reports that the Colonel's son, Khamis, was killed in the bombing, however, have not been confirmed.

Putin says the UN resolution on Libya resembles medieval calls for crusades, according to Reuters. He says interference in other countries' internal affairs is becoming a trend in U.S. foreign policy. Qaddafi's regime is undemocratic, but that does not justify military intervention.

Meanwhile, Qaddafi's forces are bombarding the town of Zintan near Misrata with tanks and heavy, long-range missiles, according to FP's Blake Hounshell.

Here's A Guide To The Military Qaddafi Is Using To Crush His Own People >

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