Thursday, March 24, 2011 Makes Dropbox Look Sexy

The Web is a medium for sharing. Whether it be photos, videos, music, links, code, we share the content we produce and consume all the time. The rise of the social graph has only brought more attention to the ways we share and with whom we share. After all, sharing is caring, amirite friends? In a recent post, I talked about some of the problems that remain in a specific (and familiar) part of the content-sharing sphere: file-sharing. At the end of the post, I mentioned the popular cloud storage, sync, and file-sharing startup, Dropbox, as a service I use frequently. Part of what makes Dropbox so great is its simplicity -- you download the utility, create an account, and you can easily share all of your electronic files in a virtual cloud folder, collaborate with friends and colleagues, and sync between devices and hard drives. Boom.


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