Friday, March 25, 2011

Record Industry: Limewire Could Owe $75 Trillion ? Judge: ?Absurd?

So we're all pretty desensitized by now to the mind-blowing stupidity on display by the record industry in its foolhardy attempts at assigning damages in piracy cases — was anyone surprised when they told one woman, who had shared 24 songs, that she owed nearly two million dollars? Yes, ridiculous. But this — this is beyond ridiculous. This is... sublime. The record companies suing Limewire were asked to estimate the damages that should be paid by the file-sharing service. Their estimate? $400 Billion on the low end, and at the high end — $75 trillion dollars. That's more than the GDP of the entire world. The judge, in a refreshing stroke of good sense, deemed these potential damages "absurd" and the plaintiff's approach "untenable".


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