Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ning Launches Slick New Mobile Social Tool Called Mogwee

Mogwee launches this evening, an ambitious new product from Ning unrelated to its core social networking service. It's a new social/communications tool that's built from the ground up for mobile platforms, beginning with iOS for iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads. For now, Mogwee's main feature is to let you have on the fly public and private instant message-like conversations with people via the app. It updates in real time allowing for synchronous conversations, or you can wait for notifications to come in to have a more asynchronous experience. Unlike most new services we see, there's no friending or following with Mogwee. If you invite someone to the service, or interact with them in a group "hangout," you can then have one on one conversations with them. It ends up being very similar to services that have mutual friending, but it worked effortlessly in my testing without al the hassle of adding and removing friends.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/ZvfpMdwOjrQ/

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